Essay 1: Music & It's Worth, & Understanding It.

Music for the most part, is important to the human. It follows you everywhere you go. Some of your earliest memories might have some correlation to music. You can be walking in a downtown area somewhere and music will happily be following you around, playing on the speakers along the streets. Music controls the human mind at times, it can control one's thought process, further controling one's deeds and actions mental or physical, it can control the mental state, it can quite literally control one's own livelyhood and lifestyle.

However, music for the most part, is worthless, contrary to what I have just said. That statement though, has no real correlation to what the paragraph above states. The WORTH of music is entirely different from the importance to the human. WORTH here, at least, dumbs down to three different things: Quality, creativity, and significance. Influence is not one of the three definitions of worthy music because: While one artist/band/album may influence many (let's use Unwound for example, no specific album), this can sometimes degrade the worthiness in music, and can cause literal worship of such. Just because Unwound is an incredibly influential band really means nothing for the most part because the quality, creativity, and significance of the music comes first and it always will. Enjoying music because it is considered influential is stupid. This explains my meaning.